How to Evaluate an Author’s Quality of Work


The word author originates from the Latin word ‘auctorem’, meaning’master’ or ‘leader’. It’s used as a verb, referring to the act of creating or writing something. As such, an author is a person, organization, or institution that generates or writes original work.

Regardless of whether the writer is an individual, institution, or organization, the quality of his or her work can be judged by his or her ability to write a good piece of literature. There are many different types of writers and each specializes in a particular genre or style.

When it comes to deciding whether a writer is a good writer, there are a number of things to consider. One of the more important aspects is their experience. Experience in a particular field will boost their reputation and help them earn respect from their peers. This is also why you should ask for feedback.

If you’re in the market for a book, a professional writer can offer you a valuable critique and provide feedback. They can even give you a hint on what to improve in your own writing.

While it’s possible to tell an author’s quality of work by looking at their credentials, there are more sophisticated ways to determine the same. For example, one might look for an ‘author bio’ at the back or bottom of an article, or simply ask for a ‘brief biography’.

Other signs that a writer is an expert include his or her titles. Some publications are assigned to organizations, and the titles of these can be a useful identifier. In addition to the obvious, authors can also be distinguished by their degrees. Typically, a writer who has attended college will have a bachelor’s degree. However, less than half will have a graduate degree.

Although an author may have a plethora of titles, the most prestigious is the one that earned him or her the most respect in the field. This might be the case if the writer holds a patent on a new product or technology. Alternatively, a municipal government might own copyright to a finished work. Similarly, a writer might have a novelist status when writing screenplays.

Another way to evaluate an author’s achievements is to consider their motivation. You should know why the author decided to write in the first place. Knowing why a particular writer wrote about a topic will help you to better understand their perspective on that subject. Whether the author is motivated by a desire to help the world or because they have a personal connection to the topic will make a big difference to the quality of their work.

Finally, you’ll want to take into account the size of the book or article you’re reading. Small, short pieces are easier to read and comprehend. On the other hand, larger works tend to require more research. That said, don’t feel like you’re wasting your time or money if the information in a larger book is too difficult to absorb.
