How to Define Art


Art is a form of expression that evokes an emotional response. This response can vary widely depending on the style, history, or story behind a particular work. It can also differ significantly from person to person. One person may admire a piece of art, while another might find it offensive. Still others may have no strong feeling at all.

Today, art has become a commodity, and this commodification has affected art’s definition, as well as the practices of artists, commentators, and definers. It has a major impact on the way that art is perceived by our culture. Some forms of art are strictly aesthetic, while others are purely functional.

Art is also defined by the time period it was created. In the Renaissance, art had religious significance, but during the Age of Enlightenment, art became political commentary. Nowadays, you can find political cartoons on the front page of every major newspaper, and many artists express political views. Some examples of political artists are Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, British artist Banksy, and American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat.

The concept of art has been evolving for thousands of years. There are many different types of art, and the reasons for creating them vary from person to person. There has also been much debate over how to define it. It is difficult to say which art form should be categorized as “pure” or “unlimited.” There are many other ways that art can be defined.

While the classical definition of art identifies art as an outcome of knowledge and practice, it also includes a variety of disciplines that involve design and craftsmanship. The Renaissance painters and sculptors were seen as highly skilled artisans. In fact, their skill and knowledge helped them to raise the status of art. They also made a living out of their art.

Aside from being an expression of emotions, art can also be an expression of the institutional, social, and cultural realm. As such, it can’t be defined by a single metric, and a single measure is not enough. In order to define art, we need to consider the historical context and the nature of the medium itself.

The origins of art are also important for understanding the concept. Historical art refers to artworks that document important historical events. It differs from portraiture and landscape art in that it describes a particular moment in a narrative story rather than a static subject. Historical art started out as a description of scenes in Classical mythology, but from the 18th century, it was also used to describe the battles of the American Civil War.
